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'Prophet's Place' Comic: Tim the Polar Bear

Basic Info
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Real Name: Timothy Bear
Date of Birth: 09.09.78
Place of Birth: Anchorage, Alaska
Age: 25
Species: Polar Bear.


 Tim's early years were good. His mother and father were from the Northern parts of Alaska, they moved to Anchorage in hopes to provide a better life for themselves and raise a family. Tim is an only child. He found a love for acting and, shortly after graduating High School, moved to Connecticut to attend the UConn. He figured living in New York to be too expensive and with UConn based one state away, he could make trips down to the city and audition for various roles.

 On a trip to city, Tim and his human roommate auditioned for a role in the now famous Coke polar bear commercials. By sheer luck, Tim was that famous polar bear holding the soda and pimping the product. After returning home, Tim was asked to come back a sign a contract to become the Polar Bear spokesperson for Coke. His roommate threw him a party and got Tim pretty drunk, so drunk he missed his the signing. He awoke the next morning with a headache and a note from his roomy who stole to part from under him. Ever since, Tim has taken odd jobs as mascots at parks. Unfortunately, he looks "too Bear-like" for bear roles so he's had to take gigs in costumes. Tim met Prophet through a gig he had at the Mall and the two became quick friends. He's now the main shopkeeper at Prophet's Place.


 Tim was thought up one Easter season when I found this little white teddy bear in a rabbit suit. Well, I bought the bear and figured that was all.

 I noticed that there are noticeably less of the Coke Polar Bear commercials during the bulk of the year. I chalked it up to seasonal hiring, thus these poor bears had to get temp jobs like Mall Easter Bunny during the year.