Fredric Moleman, known as Fred to his friends and family, has always been interested in technology. At an early age, Fred became fascinated with video games. When he was 13, Fred's parents got him his first computer. He spent many hours figuring out the workings of the software and even found a hidden program that let people build in an early programming language.
As time went on and computers became more complex, Fred adapted with the changing times. red's family moved from Redmond to Willimantic, Connecticut when he entered high school. Before he left, Fred took computer lessons from the creator of the software he's been using since his youth. This time spent helped Fred get into special classes at the University of Connecticut. While there, Fred became a welcome face in the Computer Department.
When Fred wasn't in high school or at UConn, he spent his time programming a video game of his own creation. The game was a mix of role playing standards with the look and feel of a first person shooter. Sent out a freeware, it caught the attention of a big game maker. The profits made from the game and the sequels helped Fred through high school and college.
While visiting the Artificial Intelligence department at UConn, Fred stopped a hacker from stealing sensitive project information. Fred was also introduced to a small AI program developed by a person out in California. Fred improved on the program and, with his knowledge of programming and operating systems, created the Alice O/S.
To Fred's amazement, the Alice system took on a life of its own. Alice caught the eye of a company called Neuralnet Nanotech Industries. They broke into Fred's house and stole Alice. Alice escaped and returned to Fred. Now, they are being chased by agents from NNI. It's up to Fred and Alice to protect the Internet from NNI's plans.
Fred is another one of those characters that has been in other projects in some way/shape/form. He was going to be in 'Prophet' but it never took off. He was going to be a person who had contact with a mystical item like Proph and ended up as a mole with no skills but thinking himself a superhero. I then moved him from that to here. He kept the name, gained a better backstory and - to an extent - became the hero he thought he was in the last version. He's now just a regular guy named Fred (Simons instead of Moleman) who owns the Goth Issues shop that Biff and the crew work at in 'Biff the Vampire'.