An artist by trade, Erik got lucky and made some cash doing logos and commissions for people and businesses. His writing skills landed him a few one-shot comic book jobs and his writing style has gained him some notice by fans. Being the mallrat he is, Erik wanted to open a store in the mall that has given him a place to hang out at for all these years. One day while he and his friend Tim were walking through the mall, Erik finally made that call and leased a store in the Mall.
Using slightly underhanded techniques to get the spot, Erik opened up Prophet's Place. Manned by Tim, this comic book and novelty shop has since attracted an array of strange characters. And thus the story unfolds.
Unlike the 'Prophet' comic, this version of "Me" is a little closer to the genuine article as far as self-inserts go. No magic powers, not an anthro cat person, no super awesome fight scenes with armored dragons. This is base level me with me most realistic extras one could add.
All in all, the backstory isn't far from the truth once stripped of the non-real world details. I was a mallrat as a kid. At the time, my goal was to make money with my design work and in comics. I was even planning to buy the space shown in the story to open a card and comic shop called Prophet's Place. The only things that hasn't come to pass that could have are I haven't done a one-shot for comic company yet and the spot in the mall I wanted was taken over and rebuilt into a failed gym.