The Froggy Gods Written by Erik Amill In the beginning, the world was dark and lifeless. Chaos reigned over all. From the aether, they watched this and worried. In an effort to control the Chaos, the spirits created a powerful God. They called it Order. Order and Chaos did battle upon the lifeless world for many years until, at last, Order tamed Chaos. The spirits of the aether that watched the battle rejoiced. When the battle was over, all was not as it seemed. Nothing in the world had changed. Their champion was too powerful. Seeing this, the spirits used their power once more. They split Order into four elemental gods. Each god served a purpose and, with the power of Order diminished, allowed for change. From the North came Michael, God of Earth. Michael's healing hand brought forth life to the lifeless world. From the South came Gabriel, God of Fire. Gabriel's energy became a guiding light through the darkness. From the East came Raphael, God of Air. Raphael's wisdom brought knowledge to the wanting. From the West came Azareel, God of Water. Azareel's sympathy gave the world hope. These four gods kept Chaos at bay and, under their watchful eye, Life flourished.